The ESG UQAM experience
With a total annual enrolment of over 15,000 students, the School of Management of the Université du Québec à Montréal (ESG UQAM) ranks as one of the best management schools and faculties in Quebec, Canada and the world. An urban institution with an open attitude to the world, ESG UQAM offers its students, faculty and staff a highly stimulating academic environment centred on its managerial values of social responsibility and sustainable development.
Recognized for the quality of its practice-oriented education, the excellence of its applied research, and its international presence, ESG asserts its leadership with a bold vision for the future.
ESG has built its reputation for excellence on its great capacity for innovation in both teaching and research, as shown by its integrated education and research offerings in 13 areas of expertise. All these areas focus on issues and questions of considerable social and scientific importance to public, private and social organizations and enterprises.
In addition, ESG offers a full range of consulting services to its students and 100,000 alumni. The services cover student life and associations, international mobility, entrepreneurship, career development and preparation for employment, internships, networking, professional development and continuing education, documentation, etc.
Also visit UQAM's page to discover their products created from research.

ESG UQAM's case studies
Coming soon!